For a month now, I have been having a very bad time. I know that Fashionista is not a place to post personal problems, but I am at wits end! I am sure I am going to upset some people with the next statement. You see I am married to the most beautiful person in Second Life. Now before you start to question that statement, let me tell you a little about Jula Carnell. I met Jula on her second day in Second Life. From the moment I laid eyes on her I knew that she was the one I wanted to spend my Second Life and Real Life with. I even hired her to work for me, just to be close to her. ( It was hard for me to keep finding something for her to do at a job that ran on it own.) We have had our fair share of ups and downs, just as in any relationship. Mostly because of me, but I won't take all of the credit! Jula will go out of her way to help anyone that she can. One time she spent the day helping a girl who wanted to be a model, gave her clothes, lindens, and told her what to buy . The girl never even said thank you! Jula I love you because I know you would do it again. Jula, got me on flickr, gave me a desire for fashion, photography and modeling. Jula loves modeling more than anyone I know. she is one damn model, who works her heart out doing it. Jula would give it all up for me, if I asked her. Jula I love you. She is always there for me in Second Life, and Real Life. We talk for hours everyday, sometime not even speaking a word for the longest time, but just knowing she is there, is all that matters. We finish each other sentences, have the same thoughts on most things. We are getting ready to renew our love for each other. Two years of happiness, two years of love. I love you Jula Carnell, more than you will ever know. I did not come to SL to fall in love, but I am so happy that I have! Second Life and Real Life will end one day, but my love for you will last forever. Now getting back to my problem, you see Jula has just about every piece of Jewelry that can be found in SL. She has just about every fashion designer's creations. So what do I get her for Valentines Day? Jula all I can give you is my love. All I can give you is my complete devotion. This is all I can give you. The only thing is, you already have it. I love you Jula, Have a Happy Valentines Day. Love, Mr. K
Just as in real life, our second life has it's ups and downs. I was at the Opium Sim Grand reopening, enjoying seeing old friends and making new ones, when I glanced over and saw a familar face. A few years older, but still as glamous as always. She was standing by herself. As I approached her she quickly turned to go. I reached out and grabed her arm. Nicki Glam was one of Second Life's first top models. She had every agency after her, She graced the cover of every SL magazine in one month! She was the cover girl for SL Swim and SL Vogue for a combined 12 times, a record that still stands today, then suddenly she disappeared. There have been rumors of her turning up at different fashion events, but no real hard evidence. That is till now! She hurried to put on her sunglasses and lowered her head as we exchanged greetings. ( We had met a couple of years ago, she had just agreed to do an interview with me, before she mysteriously dropped out of the fashion world.) As we chit chatted I began to notice that this was not the over confident "I'm on top of the world" Nicki Glam that I once knew. This Nicki Glam was more timid, shallow and colder. Almost to the point of being rude! The Opium fashion show was just getting started, I told her how nice it was to see her again and that I needed to get back to the show. I said good bye and as I turned away she grabbed my arm and said " I still owe you an interview" she handed me a sticky note with a phone number scratched on it, and told me to call her the next day then disappeared. The next day I called Nicki, and we met at the harlem sim, just outside of the Apollo Theater. She proceeded to lead me accross the street and up the stairs of an old rundown apartment building. We walked up 4 flights of stairs before we reached her flat. I was overwhelmed as I entered. The walls were all covered with pictures of Nicki when she was at the height of her career, it was like stepping back in time. We sat at a small table overlooking the Apollo. She told me I could ask one question and one question only. There had always been rumours about Nicki concerning drugs,drinking and her sex life. What could I ask ? After several minutes I asked...... Why? That simple question turned out to be her life story, from the first modeling job she got until the moment I saw her at Opuim. As she begain her story, those enchanting eyes of her's had a far way look as if she was reliving her past all over again. This is Nicki's story in her own words. The first week in SL I got a job as a dancer at a sleeze bar. The same one Anshe started at, but she had left by the time I started. I think most models start as dancers, well the first ones in the fashion world that is. Models are no different than dancers. Both stand around waiting to be noticed. Putting on that fake smile, telling how beautiful each other look. A Dancer's life revolves around a pole, model's around a camera, both of us putting on a show when that spot light hits. Then going back to our lonely life. Wondering if we can aford to pay rent, or buy a new pair of boots at Stiletto Moody. Waiting for that sugar daddy or mama to come along. Waiting for our 15 mintues of fame! There was this one guy that would come about two nights a week and watch me dance. He was young always smiling, not a good tipper but still sweet. Well one night after work, he asked if I would join him for a cup of coffee. I thought why not, free coffee is better than nothing! What harm can a man named Frolic do. He turned out to be wonderful company, talking of his big plans building a business empire. By the time he finished talking about himself the sun was rising. I told him I needed to go, as I got up he stood, and being a gentleman help me into my coat. He walked me to my home. As I stood on the bottom step, he bent down and our lips touched. My heart raced. It had been along time since I kissed a man. Just as soon as the kiss started it ended, as he pulled back. Our eyes locked, then he turned and parted. I did not see him for awhile. Every night as I danced my eyes glued on the entrance hoping he would come through. The night he did come back, is when my life changed.